The German shoe store chain Goertz has installed a virtual store in Hamburg's central railway station where passers-by could try on their shoes virtually through Kinect technology.

The German footwear brand Goertz has carried out a retail facility at the Hamburg railway station with the purpose of attracting customers to a new way of interacting with its products. The agency Kemper Trautmann Germany was in charge of developing the virtual store project, setting up a stand with a mirror and sensors with Kinect technology where people could try on their shoes.

The system scanned the user's feet and played them back on the screen. Below, the software made available to customers a catalog of shoes so they could choose the model and size and try it on. If the shoes convinced them, they could make the purchase by scanning a QR code and receive them at home at 24 hours. But if they weren't sure they could share their options on a Facebook and ask their friends' opinion..


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by • 5 Jun, 2012
• section: Infrastructure