Carrie Underwood, winner of America Idol, She left millions of viewers around the world open-mouthed on the night of the Grammys with her screen-dress.

Carrie Underwood in her dress-mapping at the Grammys

Carrie Underwood in her dress-mapping at the GrammysGrammy night is always magical, Not just for the music world, but also for staging. One of the most spectacular was experienced last Sunday when Carrie Underwood, winner of America Idol, She left millions of viewers around the world open-mouthed with her screen-dress.

Using mapping techniques, when interpreting the theme Two Black Cadillacs, Her wide white dress became a screen on which images were projected, From the flight of butterflies to abstract motifs. A Changing Dress, On the Move, that overshadowed the rest of the performances and was in itself the best possible staging.

At some points in the performance, The mapping was not only limited to the dress but flooded the entire stage creating a truly striking visual effect.

A frontal projection on the dress created an astonishing effect, thus inaugurating a new new era in which mapping, Beyond Architectural Surfaces, It also reaches fashion.

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by • 13 feb, 2013
• section: projection