Your FaceVACS-VideoScan app now employs anonymous facial recognition to analyze the count, the flow and demographics of people visible in video streams, while protecting data privacy and security.

Cognitec FaceVACS-VideoScan

The German Cognitec Systems just introduced an updated version of FaceVACS-VideoScan, Its analysis and facial recognition technology that aims to improve the work of security personnel, Marketing and Operations Management Departments.

The app now employs anonymous facial recognition to analyze the count, The flow and demographics of people visible in video streams while protecting data privacy and security.

FaceVACS-VideoScan detects people's faces in live video footage or video recordings and stores anonymous information for each appearance in front of a camera. Analyzing this information in real time allows the software to count the number of people, Your demographic profile, Transits and displacements, and, In addition, Spot frequent visitors and crowds.

Analyzing traffic patterns and demographic patterns over long periods of time can offer businesses accurate visitor data for interior design., advertising placement, and other operational decisions.

Since technology can analyze one face by gender, Age and ethnicity, It is possible to activate the display of a targeted message in digital signage or other advertising devices.

On the other hand, This facial recognition technology allows real-time comparison of faces to image databases to instantly find known individuals. Businesses and organizations can detect and prevent unwanted behavior much faster and more efficiently, as security personnel can track people online, or receive alerts on mobile devices to act on a suspect. In addition, Real-time identification of authorized persons or high-level customers can facilitate access to restricted areas.


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by • 15 feb, 2013
• section: Digital signage, Dynamic advertising, safety