Liferay digital experience

Artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (Iot) and integrated multimedia elements will be three key elements in 2022, as foreseen by the omnichannel specialist Liferay, to achieve a differential customer experience.

Customer requirements, new technologies and the global pandemic have profoundly impacted organizations and accelerated their transformation, also changing your strategic priorities.

Experts point to the widespread enterprise pursuit of a "unique customer experience" and, on that path, there are some technologies that are already boosting the market and playing a key role in all sectors, even in those traditionally less innovative.

Like this, artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (Iot) and progress in the field multimedia (virtual reality, augmented and mixed, 3D developments, Etc.) are the three pillars of this transformation.

This is evident in a report by the consultant IdcWhy customer centricity is essential to manufacturers finalizado el pasado en junio de 2021 y patrocinado Liferay, proveedor de la plataforma Open Source para la creación de experiencias digitales web, móviles y dispositivos conectados.

En este informe conjunto se recogen tres predicciones relacionadas con la experiencia digital para 2022 y los próximos años:

for 2022, the 20% of the purchasing or contracting processes will be transformed into more interesting and attractive experiences for the customer through the use of personalized multimedia elements, as product visualizations through virtual reality, 360º videos or 3D configuration tools. The exceptional thing about this prediction is that it applies to sectors such as industry., an environment that has not traditionally been characterized by customer journeys enriched and that will evolve towards the use of innovative product experiences.

for 2024, the 75% of organizations will differentiate the experience of their customers by relying on IoT technology and apply it in areas related to the supply chain; For example, for order tracking, real-time status visibility or detailed lead times for heterogeneous locations.

for 2026, the 75% of forbes G2000 companies (which has about twenty Spanish companies) use artificial intelligence to develop guidance and insights in risk-based operational decision-making, compared to less than 5% of the G2000 that does it today (2021).

As he points out Carolina Moreno, Vp. EMEA Sales and Managing Director Southern Europe at Liferay, “2022 será un año clave para muchas empresas que darán ese salto necesario en la optimización de las experiencias de clientes, and this will reach sectors where until now strategies of this type had not been prioritized".

As part of this process, en los siguientes añosveremos cómo las tecnologías de IA e IoT toman cada vez mayor protagonismo en las decisiones estratégicas -asegura Moreno-, y en el marco de un customer journey enriquecido y diferenciador para todas las audiencias”.

In this context, los expertos coinciden en que, para que estas tecnologías tengan éxito y proporcionen un customer journey sin fricciones y a las organizaciones una mayor visibilidad operativa, las empresas deberán contar con plataformas que así se lo permitan.

In addition, tendrán que integrar la información que proviene de diferentes canales y departamentos a través un ecosistema tecnológico 100% connected. Y este desafío será clave a corto plazo para firmas de todos los tamaños y sectores.

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by • 13 Dec, 2021
• section: Studies, artificial intelligence, business, augmented reality