Vocento and Crystallizes DriveToStorecalled DriveToStore, this development of Vocento and Crystallizes allows you to measure and drive traffic to the store as a result of an advertising campaign.

The direction of strategy and commercial management of CMVocento is working together with Beyup and GeoQ (companies belonging to Cristaliza Group) in the design, development and implementation of DriveToStore (D2S), a commercial product that will have the ability to observe and measure traffic to a commercial establishment caused by an advertising campaign.

As its developers point out, “D2S crea de hecho una nueva categoría conceptual que viene a dar respuestas a algunos de los retos más importantes de la publicidad del Siglo XXI”.

The basis of this development is in the technology and data of GeoQ, along with capacity and trading experience of Vocento. As a result,, D2S identify the actual engines leading to a advertising campaign to increase traffic to stores of a brand through the knowledge of the behavior of users and customers in the physical field.

In addition, will result in the use of data as a powerful tool for business intelligence to attract more advertising investment, as well as increasing advertisers.

Thanks to the technology that GeoQ is applying in this project, the physical and digital worlds are connected., managing to provide a real knowledge about the behavior patterns of each brand's customers.

In the project, who is in an advanced state of gestation, work the digital management and strategy and commercial management teams of CMVocento and those of Beyup-GeoQ. The objective is to test this new product as soon as possible in the market to measure the KPIs of the results of the first commercial campaigns.

D2S será, No doubt, a novel model for mobile marketing in its obvious goal of achieving real measurable physical sales. It entails a global marketing strategy in which all actions, both online and offline, will have consonance, thus improving the user experience and maximizing the number of sales. I mean, se conseguirá influir en el comportamiento de los clientes potenciales y guiarles de una manera atractiva hasta el punto de venta deseado”.

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by • 3 nov, 2021
• section: business, Dynamic advertising