Prolights Astra Profile400With a 400W LED source, calibrated to 7,000K, Prolights Astra Profile400 offers a smooth zoom system, 6.5° to 50° for multi-purpose indoor application.

The New Moving Light Astra Profile400 of Prolights It includes an extensive set of features such as four-layer motorized framing shutters, Linear CMY & CTO, Color Wheels & Gobo, an animation wheel, A frost filter, A prism and an iris.

specifically, The color wheel features a CRI Enhancement Filter that increases its value and reaches a 6,000K white, Especially suitable for multi-purpose and studio interiors, in a compact and lightweight luminaire.

The Italian manufacturer has included in this mobile LED framing blinds and an animation wheel, with a small form factor and light weight, lo que convierte a esta luminaria en el reemplazo perfecto para dispositivos con un mayor consumo de energía.

Su fuente de luz ofrece una emisión de luz blanca pura a 7.000K, reaching the 17.500 Lumens y logrando una proyección de haz de campo plano. El sistema óptico de Astra Profile400 se mueve linealmente de 6,5° a 50° y está equipado con una nueva fuente Led de 400W.

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by • 15 Dec, 2022
• section: accessories, lighting