Installed in the Musat shopping center of Oman, screen covers 263 m2 of Led of p4mm, with more than 16,5 millions of individual pixels.

Dynamo led display oman

The Led visualization project carried out by the English specialist Dynamo Led Displays in Musat Grand Mall in Oman also includes the installation of ten smaller Led columns (of 4,6 meters high by 1.024 m width on each side), as well as a P20 outdoor display.

The tower or central Led screen, considered so far the largest of its kind in the Sultanate of Oman, in Southwest Asia), It consists of a total of 263 m2 of Led of p4mm, with more than 16,5 millions of individual pixels. Each side of the tower has 13 meters high by 4, 6 width and also includes a Led floor edge of 5,6 meters long by 1,2 width.

Dynamo led display oman

Personalized interactive content displayed on screen integrates with iOS and Android apps, as well as two docking stations, located on both sides of the main tower, that allow visitors to the shopping center to interact with the Led screens and other leisure elements of the same.

When the user downloads the app, Also receive notifications from the mall, such as special events, Store Ads, Promotions and even discount vouchers.

Dynamo led display oman

The application also serves the user as a map of the center, So you can find the store you want thanks to the sensors installed in the center, that act as geolocation and guide elements.

The application has also been integrated with the digital signage screens distributed by this commercial facility so that users can hang their selfies and tweets, tag friends on Facebook or upload photos to Instagram. In addition, They have more applications for the little ones, and also adults, can enjoy interactive and augmented reality games using the mobile as a controller.

Led screens also show emergency and evacuation messages, Lost Child Alerts, Etc. that are also sent to phones that have the application.

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by • 11 May, 2018
• section: Case studies, Digital signage, display, Signal distribution, Dynamic advertising