Telefonica at Museo del Prado

As part of the 'Prado Puerta Digital' program, Telephone is helping the Prado Museum to optimize public attention and expand visitor knowledge to enrich decision-making.

Telefonica at Museo del PradoTelephone has been involved in a project to modernize the management of the visitor care program of the National Prado Museum. This change, that involves incorporating technology into their processes, will enable the monetization of human and material resources, improve public visitation and data collection, with the aim of expanding visitors' knowledge to enrich decision-making.

This tool will be constantly evolving to ensure autonomy, immediacy, agility and rigor in obtaining data and meeting the needs of institution.

Telefonica at Museo del PradoFor Miguel Falomir, director of the National Prado Museum, "the role of Telefónica, as a benefactor of the Visitor Care program, has been instrumental in this process of digital transformation of the Prado. Digital Door is for a very important qualitative and quantitative step forward".

This is an initiative that is part of the project Prado Digital Door
and allow the visitor to get their ticket for the same day, simply and immediately, no additional costs over the Internet. You will have all the information regarding access, services and conditions of the visit on your mobile and you can change the date and time of your visit easily and quickly, after the acquisition.

Telefonica at Museo del PradoThe visitor will access a unified sales system for all products and services offered by the Museo Nacional del Prado (Tickets, Activities...) and you can immediately self-manage your purchases from your mobile in less than two minutes with direct access through the generation of a QR code on the device itself.

Professional audiences and group visits, will benefit over the Internet from a specific customer area for their management.

The Prado Museum, with more than 20 millions of euros in ticket sales revenue, will be able to implement a number of planning mechanisms to anticipate the public needs it has every day, contributing to the optimal visitor experience from the first digital contact they have with the pinacoteca.

"I think the biggest differential of this project for the Prado Museum is that Telefónica has developed an integrated system tailored to it, that covers all your needs and the complexity that an institution like this has. In addition, it's modular, and, therefore, is prepared to grow or change to the extent of the Museum's needs", says Adrián García Nevado, Director of Companies at Telefónica.

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by • 3 May, 2021
• section: Case studies, control