MacPaw Prolights Complex-V

The software company MacPaw has chosen the technology of the Italian specialist Prolights to illuminate the auditorium of its headquarters, in the Ukrainian capital.

The auditorium of the technology company MacPaw is a multidisciplinary space, in which exhibitions are held, conferences, seminars and live performances, Etc.

Located at the company's headquarters in Kiev (Ukraine), the auditorium has a new lighting system based on the technology of Prolights, that has integrated Complex-V, your distributor in this country.

Seleccionamos el sistema de iluminación que ofreciera la mayor versatilidad posible, since in this space multiple events are held -says Vadym Shevchenko, of Complex-V-. El cliente puede utilizar las nuevas luminarias para resaltar zonas concretas, a los ponentes invitados o para crear efectos dinámicos durante actuaciones en directo”.

In total, la empresa ucraniana ha suministrado los modelos Pixie Spot, Diamond 7, Air 5Fan, LumiPar 12IP and EclMiniFresnel FC of Prolights. “El local tiene una altura de techo baja, por lo que tuvimos que elegir luminarias con un perfil pequeño”, matiza Vadym.

Las razones para su elección por parte de Complex-V fueron, chiefly, la fiabilidad de los componentes, la luminosidad y fácil uso. “Prolights tiene una gran reputación por la alta calidad de sus luminarias. Our client wanted something that was durable, but that could adapt to the different types of events held in the company, y entregamos con éxito el proyecto que necesitaban”, concludes Vadym.

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by • 5 jul, 2021
• section: Case studies, lighting