Sony Edge

AR Teaching Studio incorporates augmented reality software with AI technology. A solution designed for virtual and hybrid learning and presentations, fruit of the collaboration of Kramer Electronics with Sony.

This integrated solution, intended for any educational or corporate institution, combines the control systems of Kramer and other management products, audio and video with the presentation, visualization and analysis Edge of Sony (REA-C1000).

The combination of the Sony Edge device with Kramer Control Solutions improves the quality of all presentations and the visual and audio quality, for both remote and face-to-face participants in a meeting room or classroom.

The Kramer Control platform is integrated into a tablet specially designed so that presenters can move freely through space, while easily managing the entire room team through a single user interface.

By providing the education sector with a cost-effective, professional-quality set of presentations, lecturers and faculty can choose to add additional licenses to incorporate features, such as handwriting on multiple screens, automatic PTZ tracking, gesture-like foreground functions, Chromakey and real-time cropping, all through a single device.

With the AR technology, extract text and handwriting feature ensures that words and diagrams written on a whiteboard or whiteboard remain in view of the audience, no matter where the speaker is standing.

In addition, technology CG overlay without Chromakey extracts the presenter's image and overlays it over any background image, real-time animation or video, no need for a dedicated studio team or specialized chart operator.

Focus area cropping allows a camera to simultaneously display two different output images, and can even be configured to display as a static or dynamic image.

For perfect image reproduction for virtual participants, the cPTZ automatic tracking cameras accurately follow the speaker's movement during the presentation, ensuring they remain focused and within the frame throughout the presentation.

For participants who are in the room, gesture close-up technology can also detect and react to audience movements.

As he explains Aviv Rum, Vp. kramer's strategy and corporate development, “nuestra asociación continua con Sony nos ha permitido fortalecer la oferta vertical de educación con una única solución que mejorará los sistemas de tecnología de presentación, aumentará la eficacia del aprendizaje y la experiencia en aulas y salas de conferencias”.

La solución Sony-Krameres una oferta educativa progresiva que permite a los profesores y al personal profesional ofrecer presentaciones cinematográficas y contenido de lecciones impactantes en tiempo real -subraya-. Not only that, sino que también mejorará la experiencia de los estudiantes y el compromiso sin necesidad de instalar un estudio dedicado”.

An independent platform, Sony-Kramer Auditorium Solution allows full integration with existing devices or as a new installation and can be configured with audio devices, PTZ and web cameras, video bars and recording devices.

Rich Ventura, Vp. B2B, Imaging Products & Sony America Solutions, notes that “somos reconocidos mundialmente por ofrecer una gran tecnología, innovation and support to our customers. Working with Kramer we combine strengths while expanding our power and reach to deliver end-to-end solutions, Designed to add value and meet the specific needs of our users”.

As the statement of both companies points out., Sony-Kramer solution is now available worldwide for authorized resellers.

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by • 27 Oct, 2021
• section: fully, AV Conferencing, control, display, Signal distribution, business, Telepresence / videoconference