Again with the manufacturer Samsung, the outdoor digital screens of this emblematic building in the center of Madrid, managed by Super8 Media, have one of the best resolutions of this type of systems installed in Europe.


After more than two years in full operation in the central area of Callao and Gran Vía de Madrid, the Led screens of Samsung installed in the Press Palace (with 6mm pixel pitch) have been recently renovated with Led systems from this same manufacturer, but with an advanced resolution with pixel pitch of 3,9 Mm, one of the largest currently installed in Europe outdoors with Led technology.

Managed by super 8 Media, these updated digital screens located in the Palacio de la Prensa in Madrid represent a great advance in the Spanish DooH sector, "evolving from a 6mm pitch, the one with the largest presence currently deployed in the Plaza de Callado in Madrid, at a pitch resolution of 3.9mm, which is the largest definition in the dooH of large urban format in Spain and placing itself at the head of all Europe", as they point out from this company.

blankThis definition of image quality means that the display at short distances is much sharper and that the image consistency in the distance vision is also greater..

By increasing the proximity between the LEDs that form the screen, more defined images are formed, and that now the citizens, who can not travel as before through this emblematic area, you can see from their balconies in the tribute that is made daily to the sectors that are fighting closely to alleviate the Covid-19 (more data in Digital AV).

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by • 30 sea, 2020
• section: Digital signage, display, business, Dynamic advertising