The Fourth Report on the Internet of Things (Iot), prepared by the Vint de Sogeti Institute, points out that this environment will generate a turnover of 596.000 million euros up to 2020, with the construction and automotive sectors at the forefront, followed by the development of smart cities.

Internet of Things (Iot- Internet of Things)

Vint, the Institute of Innovation of Sogeti, has published the fourth and final report about the Internet of Things (see the rest of the studies in Digital AV Magazine), in which it is estimated that this environment will generate a turnover of 596.000 million euro in 2022 worldwide.

The five sectors that will contribute the most to this movement in the market are, according to the Vint Institute in Sogeti, construction (smart buildings), with 213.000 millions of euros; followed by automotive (175.000 millions of euros), utilities (44.000 millions of euros); development of smart cities (21.000 Million) and industry (17.000 millions of euros).

In the same report, that brings together studies on IoT from analysts such as Pike Research or companies such as Bosch, places special emphasis on the concept of smart cities, that will bring together investments from different environments, such as smart buildings, automobiles and energy suppliers. According to the data provided, since 2010 and up to 2020, the development of smart cities or IoT-based projects within them will generate a volume of investments of 87.000 millions of euros.

The cities of the future

Vint Sogeti IoTThe Vint Institute has focused its latest report on IoT precisely on the cities of the future, analyzing how this concept is gaining strength and the rapid evolution it is having, based on five basic concepts grouped under the acronym SMACT (Social, Mobile, Analytics, Cloud and Things).

The rapid evolution of smart cities takes as a basis that not only currently half of the world's population lives in cities, but in the year 2050 this proportion shall be 75%. In addition, the 80% of CO2 emissions and 75% of energy consumption occurs today in cities and in them the 80% of economic wealth.

Vint Sogeti IoT Masud CityAll this implies that smart cities are a focus of attention for governments and industry and their evolution will depend on the debate currently existing on the different models of approach to this concept., which Sogeti classifies in its report into three categories: City in a Box (cities 'a la carte' in whose plans all the necessary infrastructure is contemplated), Sensible City (based on the use of sensors that collect the behavior and routines of its inhabitants) and City as a Platform (set of applications and technology that collect data and apply it to infrastructures).

Whatever the approximation model, report pinpoints eleven key areas within cities for IoT deployment: Bless you, feeding, traffic, logistics, administration, networks, retail, supply chains, smart meters, tourism and e-administration.

currently, and according to Sogeti's report, there are already projects that reflect some of these concepts. Like this, Masdar City, in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, is an example of City in a Box. Designed by British architect Norman Foster, this city has 5 km. surface squares for 40.000 inhabitants, and in its construction they are involved 1.500 enterprises. It is expected to be completed between 2020 and 2025.

Vint Sogeti IoT HubCatIn New York there is a project called HubCab that shows the concept of Sensible Cities, consisting in that 13.500 Taxis in this North American city have technology to collect data from the most 170 millions of trips made during a year by the inhabitants of the city; esta información permite una toma de decisiones más rápida e inteligente.

The dataset contains the GPS coordinates and demand schedules of this service, as well as tours, most frequented destinations and areas. The figures show that, without reducing traveler comfort, the 40% of taxis could be shared, which would mean a reduction of CO2 of 423 grams per kilometer of travel.

Vint Sogeti IoT City as platformlast, City as a Platform is the concept where the digital and physical worlds converge. Data collected through sensors on human behavior is transferred to the physical world, in particular infrastructures to improve their functioning.

In this way, with the use of sensors and analysis of behavioral data, together with infrastructure information, cars can circulate around the city autonomously without any problem, in addition to being able to adjust the physical elements of the city to the flows of movement.

As reflected in the report of the Vint Institute, if the 90% of all Americans traveling in computer-driven cars would be avoided 4,2 millions of accidents, would be saved 21.900 lives and would be saved 450 billion dollars.

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by • 10 Dec, 2014
• section: Case studies, Studies, Infrastructure, business