HubTech Saica

The company Aragonese Pulp Industries (Saica) has relied on audiovisual technological engineering solutions HubTech to create a multidisciplinary room, that reflected your corporate identity.

The objective of Saica with this project was to transform its current room into a new multidisciplinary workspace, in which they could be held from meetings, formation, presentations to videoconferences, congresses and corporate events..., open to the rest of the company, as a reference environment for the entire organization and its values.

HubTech Saica

An ambitious audiovisual and technological engineering project, equipped with advanced equipment to provide new functionalities and uses that until now were impossible to achieve, and for which the specialist has been counted HubTech, based in Zaragoza.

For the development of the project, Saica required the execution period to be adjusted to half the expected delivery time; that the management and handling of the new equipment was simple so that non-technical personnel could use all resources without problems, and that the technological infrastructure would also be integrated with the current videoconferencing platform.

HubTech SaicaAmong the equipment installed by HubTech highlights a Led screen, of almost 5 base meters and 3 high, interconnected with an interactive lectern; along with wireless transmission solutions for connecting any computer; high-performance audio and microphone system; robotic camera for videoconferencing and streaming.

To this are added connection boxes integrated into the floor and a control room, equipped for three operators in order to service any event that takes place, as well as the integration and programming of the videoconferencing system.

HubTech SaicaIn addition to the integration of the different audiovisual equipment, HubTech has also centralized all the functionalities of the room through a tablet to offer a simple and agile handling to non-technical staff.

for Angel Alonso, CEO of HubTech, "Every company has its own story, but not all of them get their customers to live them. This is called experience.; make your customers or workers, Live, Feel, experiment and empathize with the company's values, your brand, its mission and its product".

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by • 11 sea, 2022
• section: Case studies, display, business, Streaming Media, Telepresence / videoconference